James Han - Video Producer
Uzuhan - Charade Music Video
Directed, produced, Edited
created Art Direction
scouted locations in Atlanta
wrote and performed the song
Heavily inspired by the cinematography of Umbrella Academy, we wanted to create an introspective atmosphere throughout the entire video. The spinning spiral was an ode to the popular tv show: twilight zone.
I created the set and rotoscoped the computer screen to display the spinning graphic.
Art Direction: I wanted to depict the idea of being held mentally captive by your own fears
Art Direction: the orange string and orange mask worn by the father represent his far-fetched expectations for his son
The masks worn by the friends represent the smoke and mirrors of society. Sometimes we feel like we’re above all the pleasantries, but the reality is we all partake to fit-in.
A contemplative type mood was what we wanted to create for the entirety of the video